Player Profile

Player: (Eg: Carlsen,Magnus)

Von Buelow, Georg

Title: FM
Years: 1991-
Number of games: 673
Number of wins: 313
Number of draws: 136
Number of losses: 224
White score: 200/328 (60.98% - Average Elo: 2210.12)
Black score: 181/345 (52.46% - Average Elo: 2223.32)

Rating progression

(Year: 2024 - Elo: 2337) (Year: 2023 - Elo: 2345) (Year: 2021 - Elo: 2360) (Year: 2020 - Elo: 2352) (Year: 2019 - Elo: 2364) (Year: 2018 - Elo: 2357) (Year: 2017 - Elo: 2369) (Year: 2014 - Elo: 2371) (Year: 2013 - Elo: 2372) (Year: 2012 - Elo: 2388) (Year: 2011 - Elo: 2387) (Year: 2010 - Elo: 2400) (Year: 2009 - Elo: 2390) (Year: 2008 - Elo: 2374) (Year: 2007 - Elo: 2354) (Year: 2006 - Elo: 2338) (Year: 2004 - Elo: 2339) (Year: 2003 - Elo: 2339) (Year: 2002 - Elo: 2322) (Year: 2001 - Elo: 2317) (Year: 2000 - Elo: 2328) (Year: 1999 - Elo: 2305) (Year: 1998 - Elo: 2296) (Year: 1997 - Elo: 2287) (Year: 1996 - Elo: 2281) (Year: 1995 - Elo: 2307) (Year: 1994 - Elo: 2329) (Year: 1993 - Elo: 2240)

White wins
White draws
White losses
Black wins
Black draws
Black losses

Top wins

Von Buelow, Georg - ? (283)

? - Von Buelow, Georg (284)

Openings played as White (116)

Openings played as Black (147)